See you on the call...
Here's what people (just like you!) are saying...
Every person on this page took action, followed through, was very coachable, and got terrific results. I don't "guarantee" results for you, but I know that if you're willing to step up and do what it takes, you can suceed beyond your wildest dreams...and LOVE it!
Kelvin made a HUGE career shift...
to the White House!
Kelvin Coleman
Cyber security expert
Her program took me from wondering if my ministry experience had been a total waste to landing a job leading a key initiative for the White House National Security Team. I 'fit' in my new role and continue to advance doing so much of what I naturally do well.
Shannon designed a whole new
role within the same company!
We went from nothing to securing $350K in funding!
Paula Rippenkroeger
In a few short weeks, we went from nothing to filming, securing $350K in funding, and lining up product sponsors and investors interested in our movie project. We've so got this! Now I can officially say I’m a film producer and Larry can say he’s a director. It feels so good to be on our path. You are helping us change our lives! A huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
I walked away developing
a whole new product!
Lee Rubin
Author & Speaker,
Renessa turned me in a completely different direction by drilling into my passions and connecting the dots to my unique background. I walked away developing a whole new product and a brand new way to differentiate myself and my work within my sweet spot of sports, leadership and student athletes. Within one week, four different coaches inquired about the very product I’m creating. I’m right on track in my market, and Renessa is the real deal.
I was thinking of going back to the corporate world until...
Osmaan Sharif
Renessa helped me get my passion back and move my business in a different direction, leveraging different strategies and promotions. You will love her straightforward @$% - kicking! Renessa will help you achieve the success you're looking for.
Within a month of her coaching,
I secured a new job.
Jerry Tanaka
Supply Chain Operations Leader, San Francisco
Within a month of Renessa's coaching, my inner confidence resurfaced and helped focus and hone into what I wanted. I was able to secure a new job that, not only fit my strengths and experience from the past, but challenged me in my "sweet spot" of leading teams and developing a lean six-sigma change management initiative from scratch. The best part is that the job is five minutes from my home. Now that's even sweeter! Thank you!