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— Robert Young, Partner

Magic happens when a speaker can engage and entertain yet still impart strategies to help people improve their leadership and performance. It was great to watch Renessa work her MAGIC on a group of our most talented manager and seniors. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to any company who can snag her. Your audience will thank you.”

I will equip your audience to achieve more and enjoy more in work & life,
but don't just take my word for it....
Download Signature Program Descriptions HERE.

In this keynote address, Renessa shares that when you "Go BIG", sometimes you lose big...only to win even bigger in the end.

In this keynote, Renessa explains Leadership Lesson #2 - the need to appreciate your value and accomplishment even when no one else does.

Rallying the crowd to bring their A-Game at the kick-off of the "BIG on Life" half-day seminar at the Imagination Stage Theater

If you want to get highly paid to do work you love, you must "be it before you see it". Renessa shares how to "act as it" on the way to creating work you love.

RENESSA'S EXPERTISE: In this video, Renessa shares how consulting for Richard Branson's Virgin America employees revealed the 4 key questions to discover, design & get highly paid to do work you love!

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