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DAY 8: 

How to slow down so you can speed a calmer, richer, more fulfilled quality of success

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How to slow down so you can...


All videos expire 72 hours post release. If you are registered, you will be invited to a short REPLAY period at the end of the series beginning January 6, and this interview will be available. If you are not registered, you can register here FREE.


Marilyn Paul, author of the book, An Oasis in Time: How a Day of Rest Can Save Your Life shares how slowing down can not only save your life, but it can catapult your career, business, creativity, productivity, ideation, innovation and every single other quality you need to get highly paid doing work you love.


Marilyn helps us get our heads around our frenetic need to produce – at home and in the marketplace – and she eases us into a rhythm and flow that can support the most passionate versions of ourselves. 


What I love most is that she makes the transition super doable so that we don’t have to choose between success and well-being. We really can have both. 


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Management consultant, Marilyn Paul, has written two transformational books about the chronic problems of work overload and overwhelm.  The first is It's Hard to Make a Difference When You Can't Find Your Keys (Penguin) and An Oasis in Time:  How a Day of Rest Can Save Your Life.


Get Marilyn's Oasis in Time starter kit so that you can experience an increased since of well-being, clarity, and productivity in your success.

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS your free gift!

21 experts share how you can get highly paid doing work you love! Register for the complete interview series FREE! 
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