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DAY 11: 

Insider secrets on the psychology of the job search when you're making a radical career change.


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Insider secrets on the psychology of...


Renessa Boley Layne interviews Dr. Dawn Graham, author of the book Switchers: How Smart Professional Change Careers and Seize Success.


This interview reveals:

  • The insider secrets to help you understand the psychology behind the job search.

  • What’s happening on the other side of the desk with recruiters and hiring managers.

  • The questions recruiters and hiring managers are asking themselves about you and the subconscious assumptions they’re making (about you) that they don’t even realize they’re making.

If creating your “Perfect Work” includes a radical career change, then you must understand that the rules of engagement are different for you than they are for candidates who are merely changing jobs or companies. As a career switcher, the deck can be stacked against you if you don’t know the game and how to play it.


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Dr. Dawn Graham is a career switch coach, TEDx Speaker, LinkedIn Learning Instructor and Host of the popular call-in show “Career Talk” on SiriusXM Radio (channel 132). She is also a regular contributor to under the leadership channel, and the Career Director for the Executive MBA Program at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Her latest book Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success combines her experience as a Career Coach, Licensed Psychologist, and former Corporate Recruiter to give career switchers the strategies to break through obstacles and land the job they want.


Listen to a free audio chapter from Dawn's latest book Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success by clicking on THIS LINK.

21 experts share how you can get highly paid doing work you love! Register for the complete interview series FREE! 
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