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Every Job is a Sales Job With Cindy McGovern

DAY 16:
Why Every Job is a Sales Job: How to get customers, clients, hiring managers and influencers to buy into you and your work.
In this interview you will learn why every job is a sales job. If you’re going to succeed in making a pivot, earning more money, or getting your message into the world, you’ve got to learn how to make the sale…
You’ve got to learn how to gain buy-in and support. You’ve got to get your spouse onboard with your plans. You’ve got to be willing to ask for what you want.
Dr. Cindy will show you how, with an infectious, gracious personality that makes you believe you can do it, too!

Dr. Cindy McGovern is known as the “First Lady of Sales" and is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Every Job Is a Sales Job.
She speaks and consults internationally on sales, interpersonal communication, and leadership. Dr. Cindy holds a doctorate in organizational communication and worked as a professor of communication before starting Orange Leaf Consulting, a sales management and consulting firm in San Francisco.
She has helped hundreds of companies and individuals create dramatic and sustainable growth. Dr. Cindy regularly coaches both professional sales employees and those whose jobs are not sales-related in an effort to help them both take advantage of opportunities to bring more business to their companies. For more information: www.drcindy.com
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