DAY 13:
How you and your past are perfectly aligned for the career or business you want next

How you and your past are...
This interview will inspire you to give yourself permission to want more. Not more accolades, trophies and standing ovations necessarily (though who couldn’t use more standing O’s???). This chat is about more life, laughter, connection, love, passion, energy and depth in your career or business
…because that’s what makes the accolades, trophies and standing O’s matter most.
This interview is for you if:
You secretly feel unlovable, unworthy or not enough, no matter how much you achieve.
You find yourself still operating in the "survival mode" of your past - personally or professionally - despite making good money.
You fear that making a radical shift in your work might require you to start over - negating all the time, effort and expertise it took to get where you are now.

Dr. Grace Lee has established herself as a leading motivational and informative speaker. She is founder of Career Revisionist – a global movement of professionals who are creating an inspired, purposeful, and abundant life.
With a 10-year background helping professionals advance their careers, Dr. Grace has deep empathy for those from very humble beginnings. Her personal journey from being orphaned with no support at the age of 10 provided the backdrop to develop resilience and resourcefulness to thrive.
"No matter what your educational or vocational background, behind every success there is a mountain of obstacles and an ocean of unfavorable odds. Everything looks like a failure halfway through. Progress often disguises itself as problems when in fact it is evidence of growth and improvement."
Dr. Grace shares her wealth of knowledge on her YouTube Channel and her Career Revisionist Podcast.
A free training for educated career-driven women on how to eliminate the 5 invisible obstructions that are sabotaging your career or business and your relationships...and leap forward from good to great so that you can have it all.
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