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  • What is the date and time for Date Night?
    BCA's Date Night is Friday, August 26th from 6pm - 10pm.
  • What is the process for dropping off and picking up kids?
    You can either bring a change of PJs and leave your kids at BCA all day, or you can drop them off at 6pm for Date Night. You must pick up your kids by 10pm or you will be subject to the same late fees as a regular pick-up.
  • How much does it cost?
    The cost is $60 per single child and $50 per child for 2 or more children from the same family.
  • How do we pay for Date Night?
    You can pay via Paypal or Venmo. Venmo payments should be made to @BettysChildrensAcademy, which is different than the address to which you send tuition. You can pay by debit, credit or Paypal and Venmo balance/accounts. PLEASE NOTE: Enter the full name and age of each child you are paying for in the transaction notes, whether you use Paypal or Venmo. This helps us ensure we have the appropriate staff for the night.
  • If we have older children who do not attend BCA, can they be included?
    Yes, so long as they are children in your family.
  • Do we need to provide dinner for our child?
    No, dinner will be provided for all kids as part of your donation.
  • The $60/$50 fee seems kind of low. Shouldn’t we charge more?
    As this is our first Date Night of this school year, we wanted to make this event accessible to all families - a no-brainer opportunity for you get a well needed respite AND earn a little cash for the PTA coffers. You are welcome to donate more than the required amount should you wish! Our kiddos would certainly benefit.
BCA's Date Night Fundraiser FAQs
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